Sunday 26 January 2014

Focus on life–week 4–word

***If you are here for the “Grow Your Blog” hop you can find that specific post right here***
**if you are here for the first reveal of  of CC7A find that right here**

It’s not usually such a busy weekend round this little blog of mine, but what can I say…  If you are here for focus on life then I really need to start with such a big THANK YOU for all your lovely comments last week.  You are all so beautiful inside and out, and I thank you, sincerely.

I did pick a little word for 2014 and the month is almost over and I’ve yet to share, I’m not quite ready as silly as that sounds.  By chance I saw a post on Facebook from our local Wallack’s Art store that Melanie Matthews, working artist for GOLDEN, would be giving a demo at the store today.  I quickly signed up and I’m so happy I did.  In that two and a half hours I learned so much information that would have probably taken me months and months to learn by myself online.  You could tell Melanie really loves the products and sharing them, her enthusiasm was so contagious.  I snapped a quick photo of the generous sample pack that I walked away with in addition to all the new found knowledge.  I just planned on sharing it with others from my Life Book course that if they had the chance they should  jump at it.

fol 14-4

Then it hit me, in terms of this month’s theme of minimalism and this week’s prompt: word I was so struck by the simple, strong brand of GOLDEN.  That brochure on the bottom, every time they reference GOLDEN it is in all caps like that.  Where other companies have packaging that lets you see a lot of the contents Golden uses large white labels – all the same.  The flip side is that every label has a real swatch of paint on it so you know what it will really look like.  That three page colour chart is handmade (and signed) which I think is another extra special touch. 

So for today, my word is GOLDEN.  Thank you Sally for giving me a different lens on the experience!


  1. This is when I get a *little* jealous of you gals living in/near the city... what a great opportunity to get info on the spot, Emma. Golden :)

  2. Emma I like your word. The color chart is beautiful. It sounds like a great class to take.


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