I had hoped to complete a piece of jewelry inspired by Ottawa to share for the Challenge of Travel, and I shared
my lame excuses here. That idea is still a good one and I think I will reboot and refresh it in time for Winterlude – which is usually in February but I swear it’s related, this is not just procrastination.
I wrote a bit about Almonte just the other day, as I was drawn to see
all the goodies at Fibrefest. I was actually in Almonte a few weeks ago with my parents and Averleigh to see a new shop
Hello Yellow. I had been planning a trip to check it out and get mum a birthday present. I could just imagine giving it to her and explaining where I had found wonderful thing x only for her to say, “hey I wanted to go too”. So instead we made a day of it.
Here is where I show you a picture of the very thing we found. Oops.
Here instead is a picture I stole for owner Emily’s blog where you can just make out another similar gorgeous glass pear shaped terrarium up on the shelf right where the eaves trough would go on that second home shaped shelf (the one in the background). Ok you can barely make it out, but see all the other cool stuff, just trust me – it’s awesome.
I was also going to stop in at the
Tin Barn Market but as luck would have it we were there on a Monday when they are closed. I took a card and knew it wouldn’t be long before I was back.
After my purse was full of fresh old buttons from Fibrefest, and short on funds, I got in the car and thought hey – Tin Barn Market time! Pop that address into google maps and decided I could certainly get back out and walk the 400m. Ah yes small town. I spotted something I loved within 3 feet of the door. The price was fair and it was a bit on the big side so I left it right where it stood as I explored the rest of the store. All manner of excellent things but my money was already spoken for so I walked back to the front and just then a pair of women came in and I made space for them to enter. They immediately spotted this same loveliness. I stood quietly, waiting, surely they will just look a little and move on – there’s lots more to see! Nope they picked it up walked to the cash, bought it, then straight back out the door! Ah man.
Oh Almonte you tease!
I rationalized I had already spent enough on the day, and those
vultures savvy shoppers must have already seen it as they didn’t look at another thing. Who me bitter?
Today brought some great news! I have been accepted to the
Handmade Harvest Holiday show, November 3rd. I see you Almonte trying to redeem yourself. This is a two day show with different vendors each day. I will be there will my goodies on the Sunday. That leaves me the Saturday to go check out all the other handmade goodness, or perhaps while the others are distracted, slip back into the Tin Barn Market. Either way, I hope Almonte will show me some love!
Perhaps this little video will give you a taste of the show