Welcome! I’m a little late to the party today. I’m actually waiting for the sun to come up enough for me to take some pictures to share what I created for the challenge. This is the third challenge I’ve joined Erin for, and it’s very exciting that she had Brandi join in as a hostess this round. What a team! I knew I was going to love working from this challenge starting point, satellite photos from the United States Geological Service that Brandi palettified. I can’t wait to hop around and see each of the palettes. Here is my starting point

Normally I would do a little research about lake Amadeus, but I can tell you I didn’t know off the top of my head where it was and I decided to keep it that way. With this challenge all about the colour I opted to look no further than the image in front of me.
I work with polymer, so the starting point for me with something like this is to mix up a bunch of colours and see what comes of it. The only real plan I had was to experiment with some techniques and create a sheet of polymer similar to the picture. In progress the acid green was a lot brighter, but as I worked that intensity got a bit turned down as the stretching of the process thins the polymer and the darker shades beneath change the colour.
I love exploring polymer like draping fabric. I take a thin sheet in my hands and fold and ruffle until I’m happy. I think I made a mermaid to swim in this lake!
When I was done with this long look on leather, all the parts knotted together I thought it might be fun for it to do double duty and be worn short too.
Now she looks a little bit more like she is swimming. Of course if I had this plan all along I would have a neater connection for that little swirl of wire acting as a hook clasp. I think I will go back with more polymer and beef it up a bit.
I’ll update with some more details later, just posting on my lunch break now.
I can’t wait to see what everyone else has come up with!
Erin Prais-Hintz
Brandi Hussey
Rebecca Anderson
Kris Auderer Chrizette Bayman Lori Bowring Michaud Courtney Breul Lynsey Brooks
Stephanie Buss Iveth Caruso
Shannon Chomanczuk
Lisa Cone
Cece Cormier Lori Dorrington
Dawn Doucette
Jeannie Dukic
Kim Dworak
Beth Emery
Janice Everett
Pam Farren
Donetta Farrington
Gloria Ferrer Cherrie Fick
Therese Frank
Patty Gasparino
Tanya Goodwin
Ambra Gostoli
Jess Green
Denielle Hagerman
Mary Harding
Karla Hartzog
Kim Hora
Emanda Johnson
Jennifer Justman
Sue Kennedy Ema Kilroy
Lee Koopman
Linda Landig
Kirsi Luostarinen
Cynthia Machata
Alicia Marinache
Beth McCord
Mary K McGraw
Karen Mitchell
Cheri Mitchell-Reed
Aimee Moisa
Karla Morgan
Penny Neville
Becky Pancake
Kashmira Patel
Alice Peterson
Kayla Potega
Debbie Price
Bobbie Rafferty
Caron Reid
Nicole Rennell
Cynthia Riggs
Andrea Ross
Sally Russick
Annie Scherz
Pam Sears
Renetha Stanziano
Sandra Stein
Kristen Stevens
Tracy Stillman
Sherri Stokey
Lola Survillo
Kay Thomerson
Jo Tinley
Emma Todd
Cory Tompkins
Pam Traub
Melissa Trudinger
Michelle Tucker
Shelley Graham Turner
Monique Urquhart
Rachel Van-Walsh
Patti Vanderbloemen
Lesley Watt
Lynn White
Joan Williams