Friday, 29 March 2013

Focus on life–week 13-have faith

This week Sally had us thinking and snapping on faith:
There are many of us who are religious and there are many of us who are not, but most of us religious or not have faith in someone or something. A faith that gets us through our day, a sickness or even a death. Faith is held by each of us, it is what keeps us believing that there will always be a positive outcome even if we can't see it at the time.

week 13 faithful

I picked up this little ring dish at the local pottery guild show one year.  I own a lot of pottery and confess I’m not sure who made this piece.  At some point it migrated to my work table.  After being frustrated by dents in polymer that I was rolling out I realized I had to stop being stubborn about keeping my rings on.  This little dish became a safe spot for them to sit in the mayhem while I worked.  Sometimes I have been known to forget to put them back on.  Hubby has come up with a whole variety of jokes to point that out to me when he has caught my finger naked.

Thinking on this I went and dug out that third ring you see on top.  That’s the engagement ring I bought him.  It’s Titanium and used to be a brushed finish.  The finish changed after my dad polished the heck out of it after it was discovered and brought back to me.
You see one day, maybe a month after we were engaged, we were headed out to meet up with friends for a ski vacation a few hours away.  I noticed he didn’t have his ring on.  There was searching and then we decided it must have flown off packing the car in the extremely cold day.  At some point I shared this story with a girl I worked with.  A girl who was in college and the walk from her house to school took her right past his house everyday.  One day when the snow was starting to melt a bit she remembered and looked around the driveway.  She called, in disbelieve I described it and went to pick it up with a big bunch of flowers as thanks.  It just so happened his birthday was the next day so with its fresh polish and one stubborn scratch into a new ring box it went.  It took me at least ten minutes to convince hubby and his parents it really was his.  They had all searched extensively.

Ring on, ring off, the faith remains.

Lets see what the faithful are up to at Sally’s


  1. Oh, my, Emma, this is uncanny - I have sort of a similar story about hubby's wedding ring. I prefer the ring on, but - as you smartly mention - the faith remains :)
    Love your story!

  2. What a wonderful story and beautiful photo!

  3. Beautiful story and photo. Love your final line!

  4. ok first, I love that you bought him an engagement ring! and what a great story to find it! but you are so right, ring on, ring off .... it is the faith you have in each other and your relationship that matters most.

  5. What a fantastic story. I just love the rings and the photo of them. And the lost-and-found ring is a perfect symbol of faith.

  6. Wonderful story! I had all my jewellery stolen not long after I moved to Saskatchewan... one of the few things that wasn't stolen was an opal ring... many years later that ring disappeared, I phoned the insurance co and they said I had to replace it... somehow it didn't seem replaceable so nothing happened... two years later when we were moving my husband found it behind the washing machine. I guess I had faith that it would return!

  7. I liked reading your story about the lost engagement ring. And what I nice picture you posted to represent your faith.

  8. Love the story! I can attest that the ring doesn't matter. My husband bent up his beautiful gold ring in our first year together and then promptly lost it in one of our moves. We're still as strong as every with 20+ years behind us. : )

    Happy Marriage!

  9. I don't wear mine much any more - the goats like to chew on my diamond! My husband said he would not replace my stone if the goats ate it so I just don't wear the ring any more. I also hate the feel of water under my rings and I'm washing my hands untold times a day.

    His had to be cut off his finger since he erm, gained a bit of weight since we got married. It sits on a shelf. We keep saying we are going to get him another one but after 31 years we really don't need rings to prove we are married.

  10. Wonderful story, I love your last line as well. I wear mine that hubby had redone for me on the wrong finger, as it is too big, and I just never get it in to resize it. Hubby just doesn't wear jewelry. After 25 years it's ok.

  11. I love this story! My husband can't wear his ring at work. Several years ago he would forget to take it off then tie it to his scrubs. Then one day the ring was gone. Poof! We searched the house, his car, at work, etc. Never found it. We moved shortly after that and I hoped it would turn up during the pack and move. It didn't. A couple years later I bought him a new ring. About a year after that he was digging through the pockets of a jacket he hadn't worn in forever. Hidden in one of the pockets was his ring. Now he has two to choose from on any given day. haha!

    I want to thank you for stopping by my BSBP reveal today and taking time to leave a comment.

  12. Wow - thank you for bringing such a big smile to my face - I love this story!! Sometimes when we let things go, that little thing called 'faith' returns things to us; because deep within we just 'know'. Somehow, someway, you just knew that ring would show up!!

  13. Emma, what a lovely story! And the photo is such a beautiful interpretation of faith. I love how the rings are slightly in shadow and slightly in light. Faith always remains!!! Beautiful statement! Thank you, Emma!

  14. Been meaning to respond to this for a week now...
    this is such a cute story :) And beautiful photo!


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