Friday, 16 August 2013

focus on life–week 33–in season

Kittens! Yes, the cats do enjoy the short summers in Ottawa and the Humane Society fills up with kittens.  It’s probably not the answer Sally Russick of the Studio Sublime would have guessed, but hey that’s why we do this!

Now in your best Bob Barker: “Remember to spay and neuter, do your part to control the pet population” well something to that effect, I can remember was his closing line on the Price is Right.

Really, I’m just doing my part, at 2 months old he even came neutered.

focus on life - rufus

Since he is now the third kitty in the house, I joked to a friend that I had already mailed in my crazy cat lady membership! I mean, just look at that face!  I have always wanted an orange cat.  After seeing his photo online, I went on my own to visit - see if he was family material.  I walked in to the enclosure that is about 5 x8’ with glass walls and spotted him in a pile of sleeping kittens (about 6  per enclosure).  He popped his head up and a few mews later he was on my shoulder head butting my cheek and purring like a freight train. 

rufus kisses

This is our Rufus.  He knows how to keep his people happy.

We also spent the week eating the most juicy and delicious Ontario peaches, so you could say it’s orange season around here.

Oh wait, I forgot this one. I'm not sure if the blue around the outside of his eyes will stay or if it's on its way out - but it is beautiful.

Now to travel around and see all sorts of seasons


  1. I'm sure the blue is on the way out! Emmit had gorgeous blue eyes when we got him. Enjoy him will he's small and cute... they grow up way to fast!

  2. Awww, what a cutie!! Thanks for doing you part!

  3. definitely ...awwwwwwwwwwww! what a cutie, and looks like he's already made a fast friend

  4. Now that was a surprise, but a very important surprise! Good one.

  5. OH my, Rufus is too cute, for sure!! Love your shots. Would love to sink my teeth into those peaches you mentioned,...they sound delish!

  6. Ooooh! He is so absolutely adorable. Unfortunately I am very allergic to kitties but I love them! Enjoy him.

  7. It has been a great struggle for me to resist adding to my "personal cat collection", Emma. Whenever I pick up my son at his volunteer gig (local shelter), I torture myself by visiting with all those sweet kitties. I still have just the two, adopted from the same shelter. One of these days I am going to succumb to the pleading kitty stares...

    We are eating Ontario peaches by the crate here in northern New Brunswick. I'm sure they're not as good as getting them on the spot... but, my oh my, are they sweet and juicy!

  8. Love your new kitty's cut face! Glad your shelter sends them into the world neutered!

  9. Love your kittens, Emma - adorable! And that kiss Rufus is giving Averleigh: so precious! enjoy :)

  10. As far as I am concerned it is always kitty season.

  11. oh what a pretty kitty! and rufus is the purrrfect name for a ginger tom :)

  12. Orange season it is! Rufus is a sweet one - what amazing eyes! Averleigh and Rufus sure make a sweet twosome!


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