I’m a dedicated blue girl, always have been! So when this weeks prompt came along it felt easy peasy, since I am surrounded by blue. Miss Sally Russick also shared the prettiest little blue flower in sending the email prompt, not sure what it is but it’s lovely. My whole top floor is blue, all the bedrooms and bathrooms, save the hallway. I think there are 5 shade of paint, some custom painting, and a wee bit of wallpaper. I have joked in the past that the colour scheme is “no blue left behind”.
I was going to challenge myself to count up the most blues I could get in one shot. I even half tidied the busiest room the work office/studio. Egads! I’m certain I am the only person that could be comfortable in that giant tidepool of this and that, every composition I put in frame was a little overwhelming.
Then I was in the kitchen noticing my blue tile and recalling the huge issue that the install had ended up being. At our pre-close inspection we walked into the kitchen and they were still installing tile, the day before we moved in. One of the tradesman stopped, turned and proudly told me they were doing it just how I wanted with the border at the bottom…. only, my instructions had actually been for the “border” tile, to be installed upside down and on the bottom row so that more of it would be visible. If they put it up in the regular way barely any of that pattern would show. His frustration was quite apparent as they immediately started taking tile back off the wall.
If you can imagine the rest of the kitchen, this border follows the line of the counter, almost the whole way around the room and makes far more sense than the standard position (the third row up) when half the kitchen only has tile one course up because it’s open to the other room.
The real problem though was this whole wacky idea I had meant every time the ordered tile they were sent way more plain than border and they had broken a whole bunch making cuts for outlets. They had had more than enough of my blue kitchen at that moment. The general contractor who was giving us the walk through at that point had grabbed the phone and I felt sorry for the person at the other end. He stepped away from us to yell my favourite all time Franglais (french-english) line of all time. “t’sai la border tile la, y’on f**ké up la border tile!”…..and on and on
I could not hold back my giggles on that. “F**ké up” has lived on in our home from time to time. Indeed that is the unseen blue streak of my kitchen.
I can’t help but add a little more blue to this post as I was so excited to see emails and messages this morning from friends letting me know I was on
Polymer Clay Daily! What a wonderful surprise!
I am equally thrilled that I am sharing the page with Claire Maunsell’s lovely daughter reading Claire’s awesome part of Cynthia Tinapple’s wonderful book. What fun!
I can’t wait to see all the blue, I’m sure the gang will be as inspiring as ever! Head to
the Studio Sublime, if you don’t see all the pretty boxes below.