Friday 15 November 2013

focus on life–week 46–reflect

Ok we are now entering the point where soon we will be counting down those final weeks, some of the busiest of the year to be sure.  I so hope I can make it the whole way!  I’m not sure what I will do without Sally’s thoughtful weekly prompts and all of you to share it with. I’m reflecting already and I haven’t even gotten to the point where I tell you this weeks prompt – reflect!

This morning I wrote my post for the art charm swap and auction in support of Beads of Courage.  Since it was really meant to be about the art charm I made, I was a bit abrupt when I said:

My child started her life in hospital and the first time I held her we were skin-to-skin and overtop was a handmade quilt.  I’ve experienced arts in medicine – it is important.

focus on life week 46

Today that quilt sits in a little wooden cradle.  That cradle was made for me by my dad when I was about 3 or so and always held the same baby doll.  Averleigh plays with that doll at my parents house now but oddly doesn’t show much interest in the cradle at home.  But our special quilt sits at the ready.  It seems that every baby born into the NICU gets one, I didn’t get to pick it myself since I was in recovery at the time.  It breaks my heart to think of those who are left with only the quilt.  It also hurts to think of all the small ones who are collecting beads of courage one by one. I know how lucky we are.


  1. Your story is so touching. That quilt has so much meaning for you and as your daughter ages, it will mean a lot to her. How thoughtful of that quilt guild to provide quilts to the NICU.

  2. I have a handmade quilt that a friend made me when my son was born.. it has the two black and white cats that owned me at the time appliqued on the top! Stuart was only a month early and the quilt was ready!

  3. Lovely post. I don't know what else to type, I'm kind of teary eyed.

  4. Your post brought tears to my eyes. It makes one truly reflect on what's important in life. Thank you.

  5. Beautiful picture and a wonderful reflection on your most precious arrival.

  6. This really brings home how such small gestures of generosity touch real people. It's a beautiful story, and I'm so glad it had a happy ending for your family.

  7. Emma you post today is really touching. Such a beautiful reflection.

  8. Our children are our most precious gifts, no matter if they are with us or waiting for us to catch up to them one day. Thank you for sharing and give Averleigh an extra tight hug.


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