I thought I’d share some of the unusual things in her little memory box of things. Averleigh weighed 750g about 1 lbs 10oz and was less than 13 inches long. It’s hard to really convey how tiny that is. The diaper on top is like a maxi pad, it had to be folded down twice to allow room for her umbilical line [rather than an IV if they are quick about it they can use the vein and artery in the umbilical cord remnant instead]. Sitting on top of it is one of the hospital “bracelets” she had on her ankle that slipped off. Then there is the cork from the Champagne we popped on her zero day. The day that was my due date we celebrated with a very small party. Just cake and balloons with the Grands and one of my brothers and sister-in-law (her guardians). Underneath you can see a set of leads, these would be changed routinely so at some point a nurse stuck a set on, what seemed at the time, a massive diaper (small).
I never did get a blood pressure cuff, she went through a couple of sizes of those. That seems odd to say but the cuff itself stays in the isolet with the babe, they each get their own. There are other odd memories, like weighing her diaper. I recall fetching one back from the trash when I didn’t know she was back on a diuretic, the nurse was just about to update me but I had been too quick to get my time with her. Premature babies really need dark and quiet so you aren’t allowed to bug them. Averleigh was feed every two hours at the start but you could only touch her every four. She was four days old when I held (skin-to-skin for warmth) her for the first time and it was for just about 10 minutes. I was heartbroken the next day when that nurse wouldn’t let me. I found out later that first nurse probably just took pity on me as I had to leave the hospital that day. Normally they don’t let them out to be held until they don’t have that umbilical line, because you cut out all sorts of infection risk if you never need an IV or a central line. The umbilical line was there to feed her, she wasn’t getting any milk yet then. I realize the memories are fading a bit since I can’t automatically tell you what day they started – I can tell you it was 1 cc.
Sunday we are having a party in the park with friends. We are going to play, have a little buffet breakfast with lots of toppings for some Eggos (I cannot remember the last time i had one), lots of fruit, muffins, and of course cake. It’s rained all week but I’m certain we will get some sun to celebrate our born feisty girl. I like that every year I get a whole bunch of happy memories of her birthday to edge out some of the originals.
Ok, time to head over to the Studio Sublime and see what Sally Russick and the rest of the gang got up to.
ps. I promise to share pictures!
pps. I know I kinda cheated, that it's not my childhood - but this is the real focus on life this week!
Oh Emma, want a beautiful post! Happy HAPPY birthday to the feisty girl, Averleigh!! I couldn't imagine how teeny tiny she was when born. She is a true miracle!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful that she is doing so well! My youngest was in the NICU as well when he was born...but he was 9 lb, 15 oz...he was quite a sight in there with the little ones like yours! Happy Birthday, Averleigh!
ReplyDeleteWow! That is a tale and most worthy of reminiscing. Happy birthday to your little miracle.
ReplyDeleteOh what a beautiful memory. Happy birthday to your little miss.
ReplyDeleteOh what a beautiful and happy memory. Your post made me cry!! What a way to celebrate her birthday! Happy Day to you all!! (awesome photo, too!!)
ReplyDeleteSo I read today's post, and last years post...and she truly is a miracle baby! Happy Birthday to Averleigh!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's a great post, it's you focusing on life, that's what this is all about right?!? Thank you for sharing your story, so tender, I almost started to well up a bit.
ReplyDeleteAny memories, so sweet and vivid are fair here! Enjoy your party!
ReplyDeleteI read both... my son was 4 weeks early but 10 - 14 weeks that is truely a miracle. Happy birthday... what are you giving here that will top those shoes? I haven't had an eggo for years either... remember the logo
ReplyDelete"Leggo my Eggo"?
Thanks for sharing such a scary but remarkable time. Happy Birthday to your sweet-pea!
ReplyDeleteWow,. how great modern tech is these days and the babies that can be saved. I bet it was hard to go home without her! I think I would have gone bonkers. Tell your sweet daughter that ALL of us here that share on Sally's blog wish her a BIG Happy Birthday! Can't wait to see the pics!
Lovely post and even lovelier that you are celebrating another birthday with your dear Averleigh. I just know the sun will be shining on her special day!
ReplyDeleteOh your girl's got spirit! What a beautiful story .... and I hope you make some great new memories this weekend celebrating!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post Emma. My first son was a premie. I KNOW exactly what you've been through. I know what it's like not to hold your new little baby and what it's like to measure their food in cc's. My baby is 22 now and just graduated from college but those memories came flooding back when I read your post. Many great memories will and are replacing those first weeks. I hope the sun shines brightly on you all for her party.
Emma that was one of the most touching post I have ever read. Thanx for sharing Averleigh's birthday with all of us. I wish her Happy Birthday.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first read your story a year ago I didn't comment, though I should have - a story so wonderfully told! Now, seeing it again, I realized that a part of me feels as though I am not a real parent (even though I have 2 teenagers..) because I've had a very carefree run since they were born. Certainly, there have been anxious moments, days even, but never the grinding, overwhelming worry and uncertainty there must be when your child is born prematurely. But now the best years are before you, Emma - enjoy them with your Averleigh!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, little girl!
This will likely be my favorite post! So filled with a mother's love and angst and hope... Happy Ending too! Beautiful,
ReplyDeleteAmazing- how wonderful that you have such a marvelous treasure. Thanks for sharing these memories.
ReplyDeleteWow - awesome post full of memories. Love your memory box for Averleigh! Happy Birthday Averleigh!
ReplyDeleteVery touching reminiscence, Emma. I had the last two in NICU briefly (but only due to incomprehensible policy of admitting all 10 lb+ babies!!) NICU is a strange little world of odd sounds and darkness, but one quickly adapts and starts to feel oddly at home there. Averleigh obviously received great care and it is exciting to see the sweet young lady she is growing up to be. Hope you all have a fun day tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteWhat a miracle baby and how agonizing those early days were for you. And how joyous it must be celebrating her third birthday.
ReplyDeleteA wonderful story with a happy ending! And here she is celebrating another birthday!!! Happy Birthday to a sweet girl!!!
ReplyDeleteMy beautiful goddaughter was very premature. We had a few scary times but I'm happy to say she is now 11 years old . We are very blessed
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, bestest little girl ever!