Sunday 9 September 2012

Random tidying

A bit of a random theme for today, that seems to be the way I’m operating these days.   I still have polymer out from the Challenge of Travel, it looks like I just stepped away for a quick break, only that was more than ten days ago.

Averleigh is back to herself, thanks for all your well wishing.  Here she is sitting still a brief moment in Grandma and Grandpa’s backyard (photo credit Grandpa).

Averleigh by grandpa

I found the answer to setting up some things in the garage today. When you are short and your step ladder only goes so far, what you need is a set of BBQ tongs.  Trust me.  This worked much better than the tape and telescoping paint roller stick thing at getting an extension cord plugged into the ceiling of the garage. I finally have power to the workbench, with built in power bar, that my dad made me some time ago.  We had worked on getting the whole garage neat and tidy at the start of summer, and it’s holding strong.  I’ve got a few other things to set up out there, although once the cold hits, I’m not sure how often I’ll be out there.  I want to be able to do some of the loud things outside of the house: like hitting wire with a hammer, running a pasta machine motor, running a tumbler, …anything with a torch, you get the idea.

I also took advantage of the back to school sales to buy this little bookshelf which I’ve turned on it’s side and placed on my main (indoor) worktable.  I’ve got organizing to do but so far I think it’s going to be a great addition.  I thought of taking some before pictures to share with you all, but I jumped into the project late night and it just didn’t happen.  But I swear I’ll give you proper coverage of the results.  I really need it functional again this week.

oooh beads

Yesterday, we did some browsing at the book store.  I’ve never caught the audio, but Averleigh gives a very sweet “oh wow, beads!” and a drawn out “wooooow” whenever she sees the latest thing I’ve made.  It’s very encouraging.  Anyways, she was making her way across all the copies in the bottom shelf repeating the above and I could see other customers giggling to themselves.  That girl makes someone smile every time we leave the house!  I did actually wrangle this copy of Belle Armoire Jewelry to bring home too.

Last night I figured out another furniture storage solution in the basement, near the massive chase, for all the things it can’t hold as they either don’t fit or it’s awkward.  The bones are there now, but there is more organizing to do.  So three work zones, all in a bit of a state of upheaval, all readying for a busy season ahead.

If you have any great systems for managing your jewelry works-in-progress I would so love to hear about it, right about now.


  1. Awww, looks like you have a little beader there, and what a cutie she is!

    If you saw my bead table you would know I'm not in the position to give any advice about organization.

  2. You are so lucky to have your own fan club, Emma! So glad to hear Averleigh is feeling better (let's hear it for the recuperative powers of little people!)

    I have given up finding the "perfect" storage. I don't do anything creative when everything is put away... then I would mess it up! Right now I have bags of beads I bought, probably over the last 3-4 months, spread out over what I call my planning station, but that hasn't occasioned any lightning bolts of design inspiration. I guess I'll have to file them LOL


I'd love to hear what you think, thanks for taking the time to join in the conversation